Friday, March 12, 2010

Great day for an anniversary and the rodeo

Dear Army,

Yesterday was a great day!  Yesterday was proof that prayers are answered.  Thank you for continuing to pray for me.

Julia (my research nurse) and Dr. Green were so excited because my liver numbers were back within the normal range.  Do you understand how big a deal that is?  My numbers were 400% above normal just a week ago.  I was so worried about it and had my breakdown on Monday and then realized only God could make that better.  And He did!  Thank you Lord!!

Dr. Green put me back on full dose Taxol (remember she cut me back 25% a few weeks ago) and kept me off the RAD001 (trial drug) for one more week.  Next week she will run the same liver blood tests and if the numbers still look good I will be put back on the RAD at half dose.

After my appointment with Dr. Green I had an appointment with the plastic surgeon.  I first met with one of the Fellows Dr. Milas, who explained the reconstruction process to me.  He asked me many questions and I answered and vice versa.  He was a very sweet man!  He high-fived me a few times.  One time was when he talked about 10 year survival rates and I told him I'm fighting for the 40 year survival plan.

Dr. Skoracki then came in.  We had a lot in common before we actually ever met.  He's from Canada and is also German.  He explained more specifically what will more than likely be the plan for my reconstruction.  I'm very happy with the plan.  He's doing something for me that he doesn't normally do but said he would for me.

I missed out on my first Yoga class because my appointment with Dr. Skoracki went longer than we thought it would.  We'll reschedule the Yoga class for next week.

I walked over to Texas Children's Hospital to go meet my friend's baby.  Baby Avery was born 5 weeks early and has been in the hospital for 19 days now.  Please pray for that precious angel and her parents and that they get to go home soon.  Her Mama allowed me to hold her precious gift in my arms for about an hour.

I walked back over to MD Anderson for my chemotherapy.  We didn't get started till about 5 o'clock.  All went well.  Having this port is so much easier than having to use the veins in my arms.  It takes no time at all to get the IV started.  Jim and I were both tired and tried taking a nap but it didn't work out neither one of us could sleep.

We had a great day yesterday, healthwise and we celebrated 16 years of marriage yesterday as well.  We got to end the night by going to the Houston Rodeo with Tim and Danielle.  Brad Paisley was in concert and we had 2nd row seats (thanks Tim & Danielle).  And guess who I got to touch? ... Yup Brad Paisley.  That's how close we were!

I thank you all once again for your prayers.  Without your prayers I would not be able to make it through the day with the strength that I have.  God has brought you all into my life and for that my dear friends, I am thankful.  God Bless You!!!

Love and blessings from the top of my heart,


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