Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's the little things...

I was so elated yesterday when I realized my eyebrows are growing back.  Eyebrows are usually not a big deal to me but since they were gone they were a big deal.  It's the little things in life that have taught me appreciation.  My eyelashes too, they are growing back.

This journey is teaching me so much about myself.  I have been blessed most of all by so many that are praying for my recovery.  I hope you know how special you are to me.

I have 4 days left until my last chemo infusion.  4 honestly seems like just yesterday that I looked at my countdown clock and it said 52 and back then I thought I can't wait till it's 30, then when I got to 21 I knew that was only 3 more weeks.  Although it didn't seem like an "only".  When I got to 10 days I really began seeing the light at the end of this chemo tunnel.  Now I'm down to 4 days.

We need to pray that my numbers are good so that I can receive my chemo on Thursday, June 17th.  Please pray with me.

Many people have asked what's up next.  So I thought I'd give you an idea of what the projected plan is.

The last course of chemo will be infused on Thursday.  It takes 3 weeks for the course (treatment) to actually be considered finished, so I'm officially finished with chemo on July 8th.  On July 7th & 8th I will be going for scans, mammograms, ultrasounds to see how much of the tumor is left (please pray it's all gone).  July 12th are all my pre-op appointments and then my mastectomy is July 14th.  At this time only the cancerous breast will be removed.  From what I understand recovery lasts about 3-6 weeks.  Once I have recovered I will be going for radiation everyday to shrink the lymph nodes.  Then there will be a break and then the other side mastectomy with several reconstructive surgeries in between, along with having my ovaries removed.

It sounds like there's a lot left to do, and there is.  I feel really confident that the worst is almost behind me.

I've had days of ups and downs but I am comforted by the fact that so many are praying for me.  Please pray for Jim, Jakob, Kelli and Joey too.  This has taken a toll on all of them not just me.

I do have the best family and friends a girl could ask for.  I have made friends along the way too that I wouldn't have if I didn't have cancer.

Like I've said before, cancer's not what I would have chosen for my life, it was chosen for me.  I trust that God is using me, my family and my friends in ways unimaginable.  Lots of people have told me to keep the Faith -- you do the same.

Thanks for being part of this Army of Prayer Warriors with me.  I appreciate you so!!  And I love you!

Love & Blessings from the top of my heart,


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