Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Yesterday's appointment was a lot of waiting.  The song "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller kept popping into my head.

We got to meet with Dr. Hunt's Physician Assistant first off.  She gave Jim & I a lot of information and answered questions we had.  Plus helped us to think of other questions to ask once Dr. Hunt came in.

Some of the info we received wasn't exactly what we wanted to hear.  Dr. Hunt will be performing my mastectomy sometime in July.  At that time she will also be removing about 15-30 lymph nodes.  Dr. Hunt indicated that at first only my left breast will be removed (that's the one with the cancer) and then after radiation, about 6 months to a year later my right breast would be removed and then both breasts can be reconstructed.  Unfortunately the type of reconstruction I can have is very limited due to the radiation. Apparently I don't have enough tissue in my back or in my tummy to reconstruct my breasts.  Sorry for all the graphicness of this post.  I want you all to know what's going on.

We will be meeting with a plastic surgeon some time in the future to discuss my options.

I have an appointment with Dr. Green on Thursday and will have several questions to ask her as well.

We really liked Dr. Hunt.  I feel confident being in her hands.

Here is a link to the song I mentioned above -- I really like it, I hope you do too!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb7TSGptd3Y

Thanks once again for your continued praying for us on this journey. I still haven't heard which group I'm in for the Yoga study -- as soon as I find out I'll let you know.

Would you also please pray for my friend Ingrid who suffered a stroke 9 days ago -- she's working really hard so she can get back to her home.

Please pray also for Jakob -- tomorrow is his first day back at school, he's really excited!!

Love and Blessings from the top of my heart,


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