Saturday, February 27, 2010

Number 6 done!


Chemo number six went well.  In fact right after I got home I went on a 3 mile walk with Linda and our dogs.  It's the best I've felt right after chemo.

After I had my blood drawn I met with Ideen who whisped me away into a quiet dark room to perform an EKG on me.  I lay there for about 15 minutes, while I was being monitored.  It was very relaxing.  I had my clinging cross with me and Ideen saw it and told me she has one also.  That was a comfort to know.

I then turned my lovely $2000 study watch back in and off I went to fill out a 20 page questionnaire for the Yoga study.  I still don't know which group I'm in -- I should know by Monday -- so please continue to pray for either of the 2 Yoga groups.  I told Kayla and Ideen about y'all praying and they felt the pressure being on.  I let them know about how I had y'all pray that I get the RAD001 -- the study drug.  See my Army we have been specific with our requests.  We have seen so many prayers answered already.

I went upstairs to the eighth floor to check in for my treatment.  Just a little after I got up there my friend Mondie came up to see me -- she had an appointment with her surgeon for post op.  She's healing well.  And looks great!

Then Jim came up there and got to meet Mondie too.  Julia's back too - she's the research nurse on the study (she just came back to work, she had surgery about 6 weeks ago).  Julia said my blood counts all look wonderful.   It was great to see Julia again.  I did miss seeing Debbie.

It wasn't much longer and I was called back for my chemo treatment.  I had the sweetest nurse.  Mou (pronounced moo) was her name.  She was the cutest -- she spent a lot of time talking with Jim and I.


The whole chemo process takes about 2 hours from start to finish.  I felt really, really great afterwards.

I've started to do some Yoga on my own in the morning.  I like it!  I'm also trying to go on a walk every day.  Please pray that I continue to feel well that I can walk every day.

A big decision has been made by Jakob.  He has decided to go back to school.  Please pray for him and me as we make this transition.  If all goes well he should be back at school by Wednesday.  I have a few things I need to get together for him.  Jakob is very excited and we are excited for him!

I'm enjoying this beautiful sunshine we are having here in Texas.  I hope y'all are making the best of your weekend too!

Love you all!

Love and Blessings from the top of my heart,


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