A marathon day at MD Anderson today! We got there on time, not on "Moni time", actually on time. Jim & Linda went with me. Registrati on at 7, nurse visit at 7:50 and Dr. Green arrived a little early.
I really liked Dr. Green. All 3 of us did. She knew me & my history before I even met with her. She had come in with notes and was prepared to give us lots of information. Dr. Green is an Oncologist who works in the Breast Centre. She also happens to be my friend Kim's oncologist. Dr. Green mentioned that she heard I was a friend of Kim's, that was a nice feeling.
Eve ry single person that we encountered today, from welcomers, info desk personnel, registratio n personnel, nurses, doctors, phlebotomis ts, x-ray techs, gift shop personnel (you get the point) were incredibly helpful and friendly.
A medical record # is very important for identificat ion purposes at MD Anderson, but I never felt like I was just a number.
I had blood drawn today and a chest x-ray done. I also had an appointment with a nurse with "home instruction s" for preparation for my CT scan on Monday.
Tomo rrow is going to be another day, probably just morning at MDA. I have a mammogram scheduled, an ultrasound and probably a fine needle biopsy of my lymph nodes. We should be out of there by about noon.
Here is the projected plan of action over the next "little" while (for now):
1/7/10 - mammogram, ultrasound, possibly node biopsy
1/11/ 10 - CT scan, bone scan
01/14/1 0 - appointment with Dr. Green
Dr. Green recommended to do chemotherap y first. It would be 12 weeks of chemo once a week and then 12 weeks of chemo every 3 weeks. A double mastectomy would be next, maybe radiation (depends on what the nodes show), then reconstruct ion. Most likely I will also have a hysterectom y at the end (because of the BRAC 1 genetic mutation) .
I will also be meeting with a Nutritionis t & a Genetic Counselor.
I feel really great about our day and where we are in this battle. I am incredibly thankful for the care I received today at MDA and the care I will be receiving. I am also thankful to Danielle & Lynn for helping with Jakob, Kelli and Joey today. It is a true comfort to know our kiddos are in good hands!!!
My dear Army of Prayer Warriors, we had many prayers answered today. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the prayers you are lifting.
The day was long but so worth it. I will tell you I am ready for bed now. Another early morning tomorrow.
Love to you all!
Love & Blessings,
I really liked Dr. Green. All 3 of us did. She knew me & my history before I even met with her. She had come in with notes and was prepared to give us lots of information. Dr. Green is an Oncologist who works in the Breast Centre. She also happens to be my friend Kim's oncologist. Dr. Green mentioned that she heard I was a friend of Kim's, that was a nice feeling.
A medical record # is very important for identificat
I had blood drawn today and a chest x-ray done. I also had an appointment with a nurse with "home instruction
Here is the projected plan of action over the next "little" while (for now):
1/7/10 - mammogram, ultrasound, possibly node biopsy
Dr. Green recommended to do chemotherap
I will also be meeting with a Nutritionis
I feel really great about our day and where we are in this battle. I am incredibly thankful for the care I received today at MDA and the care I will be receiving. I am also thankful to Danielle & Lynn for helping with Jakob, Kelli and Joey today. It is a true comfort to know our kiddos are in good hands!!!
My dear Army of Prayer Warriors, we had many prayers answered today. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the prayers you are lifting.
The day was long but so worth it. I will tell you I am ready for bed now. Another early morning tomorrow.
Love to you all!
Love & Blessings,
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