The day started out with my chest x-ray and blood draw. Today I didn't go to Lina, I went with who I was actually assigned to. Good thing, I got a gal named Gladys - a very wonderful person. Michelle (the lady that runs the blood lab) is so sweet, she always calls me baby. Michelle bought me a box of chocolates today and kept giving me hugs.

I still hadn't heard from Kayla or Ideen about the Yoga study so I thought I'd pay them a visit to see what's up. Ideen was paged and came out to see me. Are you ready????......good news! I'm in the Tibetan Yoga group. Yay!!! She had no instructor for today that's why she hadn't called me yet.
I then met with Julia (my research nurse). She informed me that my liver counts were off the charts -- by a lot. Blood counts were good though so thank you for those prayers. Julia told me that Dr. Green was consulting with some of the senior Doctors at MDA. There were a few possible options but Dr. Green would tell me shortly.
Off to meet with Dr. Green. More good news.....the tumor has shrunk some more. Dr. Green did still feel a swollen lymph node under my arm.
After consulting with three senior docs it was decided that I would be taken of the study drug for this week only. Then next week if my liver counts were better we would know it was because of the RAD001 (study drug) and if not it's a possibility that it's from the Taxol. Or there could be something else going on with my liver, like Hepatitis. Tomorrow morning I'm going back for a CT on my abdomen to make sure there is no cancer in my liver.
I then went back downstairs to have some more blood drawn for the Hepatitis panel. This time I got Jeannette who was also wonderful. I got more hugs from Michelle and Gladys came to visit with me. I love them in that blood lab. I saw Lina too and apparently she had asked about me today. She said next time I better come back to her. It's nice to know that they love me too.
I went upstairs to meet with Renita -- Dr. Green's scheduler who confirmed my CT appointment for tomorrow.
The possibilities of what may happen are as follows. Depending on what my liver test shows next week plus the Hepatitis test, I may be taken off the RAD001 all together. If it doesn't improve by next Thursday I may be taken off Taxol and be started the second chemo drugs FEC. I will be taken off the study if that is the plan. Please, please pray about this situation specifically. It is very frustrating because I feel so great! I just can't believe that this is happening with my liver. I really feel like satan is attacking me at this time.
My chemo treatment went smoothly. We can now cross number 7 off the list.
While I was waiting today I spent time outside praying. It was so pretty outside. Even the cars eight floors down in the parking lot were sparkling.
My friend sent me an email today with words to a song by JJ Heller. Well she didn't know it but it happened to be the song on my iPod that I fell asleep to last night.
Thank You dear LORD for bringing Your Word to me at my time of need. Thank you for Susan and that You used her to deliver those Words. You are amazing and I thank You for all the alone time I had today, so that I could spend my time praying to You. Lord you are my Rock!
Thank you Army, for the time you spend with God on my behalf.
I love you!!
Love and Blessings from the top of my heart,
P.S. Here are the lyrics to "Your Hands" by JJ Heller
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn’t there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That you would take my pain away
You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crooked lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
When you walked upon the earth
You healed the broken, lost and hurt
I know you hate to see me cry
One day you will set all things right
Yeah, one day you will set all things right
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
Your hands that shaped the world
Are holding me
They hold me still
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