Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2nd Survivorversary!!!

God has blessed me with another Survivorversary!  I pray that I have many more to celebrate!!!

What have I done to celebrate today?  I've done laundry, swept the floor, wrapped some Christmas presents, cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed, picked kids up, dropped kids off. Isn't that special?  YES!!!!  You know why - what would normally seem like an ordinary day to most -- to me it shows me that I'm still here.  And ordinary days are great!!! 

I think back to 2 years ago.  The day that I heard, "you have cancer in your breast".  There was no laundry done that day, no sweeping, no present wrapping, no kitchen cleaning, no vacuuming, no picking kids up, no dropping kids off. 

It was a day that would forever change me.  A day of Jim holding me up.  A day of friends crying with me, praying for me.  An evening of telling Jakob, Kelli and Joey that their mommy had cancer.  An evening of Jim calling Papa and Omi and Mom and Dad to tell them that their little girl had cancer (a task I couldn't do myself).  An evening filled with fellowship with friends at our church's Ladies' Christmas Dinner.

So many thoughts ran through our heads that day and many more ahead.  Questions, information, change of plans (our plans).  But most importantly the Blessing - we looked up to Jesus to help us, guide us, comfort us. 

As I'm writing this I'm thinking - how fitting actually...we looked to Christ in our time of need and it was during the Christmas season.  We became Christ-centred again during the time of His beautiful birthday celebration.  Christmas is a time to celebrate the Perfect Gift - every day is a gift!!!

So while you are busy during this special time of year -- take the time to remember what Christmas truly means...the birth and celebration of Jesus. 

When ordinary and normal seems boring to you -- instead be thankful that you have been blessed with the tasks you are given.

Enjoy time with your loved ones and I wish you all a very Happy and Merry Christmas!!!

Joyful today on my 2nd Survivorversary!!

Love and Blessings from the Top of My Heart,


1 comment:

  1. You are a survivor and that is so awesome! Merry Christmas luv!
