I survived my first radiation treatment on Monday. As well as my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. My first week! I'm more than 10% of the way through my radiation therapy!!!
I have 3 very nice radiation techs. Terrence, Dustin and Jennifer (she's due in about a week, pray for a good delivery).
I get to MDA, check in, change into a lovely gown (you know the kind with the ties that either show your backside or your frontside), and then sit and wait in what is called the "gown room". The "gown room" is a very inspiring place. Many inspirational notes on the wall, thank you cards, words of encouragement.
One day I noticed a Bible verse hanging on the wall. Matthew 6:25-27 25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
Those verses have been a big part of our family's life for the past 5 years. It was a great reminder for me to see them in the "gown room" right before my treatment. I've also been clinging to the Cross, I hold my "clinging cross" in my right hand during radiation.
After my first treatment I met with Dr. Perkins (Radiation Oncologist). On the way back to the examination room Sharon (Dr. Perkins' Nurse) asked me how my first radiation treatment went. I said, "I'm not really sure how to answer that question but I'd say it went great!"
Dr. Perkins showed me x-rays and the path of the radiation. Amazing technology!!
Oh I forgot to mention that one of my favorite words now is "breathe". Every time a beam of radiation hits me I have to hold my breath. A few times this week the techs forgot to tell me to breathe again :).
Jakob, Kelli and Joey also successfully completed the first week of school. We made it through making lunches, getting up early (getting up early really is for the birds or for the hardworkers), homework. We had a few tears (not going to mention from whom - but Mommy may have had a hard time sending the kids back to school).
On Monday, on the first day of school, Joey's school hosted a breakfast for the parents after the kids went to their classes. Danielle and Tracy had asked me who was taking me to my first radiation treatment. I said I was going alone. Well someone overheard me saying that. This someone, whom I've only met a couple of times, showed up on my front doorstep at about 9:30 and offered to take me. Nancy. I told her thank you that I'm fine going alone and that we wouldn't be back in time for when school let out. Nancy had already made arrangements with her Mother-in-law to get her kids. And Danielle was already taking Joey home with her. So Nancy took me to my first radiation treatment. I call my helpers my Ladybugs, they are really Angels!
Thank you Ladybugs!!!
One other first this week. Jim and I went to our first Breast Cancer Survivor support group meeting last night. Normally it's just the Survivors but spouses were invited last night. It was an amazing dinner hosted by this incredibly giving woman named Julie.
It was a fun night! There were some tears shed but many more laughs.
At the dinner last night I met another woman who had Triple Negative Breast Cancer and it turned out that about 2 years ago she was in the same study as I was in. Julia was her Research Nurse too!!
Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray. This journey has brought so many blessings into my life. I pray that you all too find blessings daily.
I am blessed to have you all in my life. THANK YOU!!
Don't forget to join my team for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure http://rfch.convio.net/goto/monimonk
Love and Blessings from the top of my Heart,
What an inspiration you are Moni, pouring your heart out to your friends and showing so much love for others always!!! I love your updates and am blessed to be allowed to talk to our Father in heaven on your behalf! So glad this week went well....onward and upward! **HUGS**