Thursday, May 27, 2010

God answered prayers!...

I just couldn't wait till tomorrow or Saturday to share some awesome news with you!!

First of all, I've had several friends offer to cheer our kids on at the swim meet Saturday.  And also offer to help with them in any way they can before the meet, during the meet and after the meet.  My heartfelt gratitude to you all!  It really means so much to me.

I received a text from my friend Linda this afternoon offering to take me for my treatment on Saturday so that Jim would be able to stay and watch Jakob, Kelli and Joey swim at the meet.  It comforts me to know that Jim too will be cheering them on along with our friends.

Look at all the answers to just one prayer request.

I also found out that my friend Deana (whom I met months ago while having my port inserted) will be having her chemo treatment at the exact same time on Saturday.  I text/talk to her often but haven't seen her since February.  The only thing I can say is God's Timing!!

Jakob was pretty upset that I didn't get my treatment today.  He said he'd been praying about it for 6 days and his prayer wasn't answered.  I explained to him that prayers are always answered they just aren't always answered the way we want them to be answered.  I let him know that I was disappointed too but how excited I am to be able to see Deana on Saturday.  Only God!!

Sleep peacefully!!

Love and Blessings from the top of my heart,



  1. Isn't that fantastic! God used this time to arrange an appt. for you adn your friend and to teach your son a valuable lesson about how God answers prayers. He is so faithful. I don't write often, but know you are always in my prayers!

  2. God is so GOOD, ALL the time! ALL the time He is good! So glad the Lord had a special time set for you Saturday. Rest well.
