Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I usually feel really well.  Physically and emotionally.  Now I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me but I'm struggling emotionally right now.  I know I'm going to make it through this.  I know Jesus has His arms wrapped around me.  I know that you all love me.  I think I need extra prayers right now about my mental wellness.  See I feel incredibly selfish right now -- I'm feeling sorry for myself, I think. Look at how many times I've used the word "I" so far in this post.  Wow, Moni -- STOP!!

Why does this have to be so hard?  It's pretty sad, I'm avoiding phone calls from my family and friends.  It's gonna wear off on our kiddos.  I don't want those precious souls to have to worry about Mommy when they see her crying.  What's the purpose in the tears?  Do you think the devil is trying to bring me down?

Please, please pray for this emotionalness to cease.  I want to shine.  Not be a dim light.

Don't worry about me -- we are warriors!!

Love and Blessings from the top of my heart,



1 comment:

  1. Never forget --
    Tears clean the windows of the soul!
    They are blessed. They usher in change.
    It is okay to cry and your children need to know it is okay to cry ;)
    still praying.,,,,
