Saturday, December 7, 2019

10th Survivorversary!!!!!!!

As I sit hear this morning with my freshly brewed cup of coffee, tears are welling up in my eyes. Not because I’m sad, but because I am overwhelmed with the fact the God has granted me this day. You see today is my Survivorversary. My 10th Survivorversary!  I have so much gratitude and Joy for this day. 

Ten years ago today, I received the dreaded cancer diagnosis. It wasn’t the first time I had heard “you have cancer”. But it was the first time I realized I most likely had the same cancer that my mama had — breast cancer. 

I didn’t want the same cancer as my mama, she only lived 3 ½ years after her diagnosis. I was only 19 when she was diagnosed and only 23 when she left us to be in heaven.  And even though my mama left us at such a young age, I’m so thankful that she and papa had raised me and Jason to be young adults.  

At my breast cancer diagnosis our kids were only — Jakob 12, Kelli 11 and Joey 9. Jim and I were not done raising our babies ten years ago. Although we can all do simple math I would like to say that Jakob is 22, Kelli 21 and Joey 19. And I am 48!  What a blessing it is for me to sit here 10 years later and know what an incredible miracle it is that I am here today!

Life is great for us!  I am healthy, Jim is healthy, the kiddos are healthy. Our parents are healthy, our siblings are healthy. 

I continue to share my story whenever possible, not for attention, not for people to feel sorry for me but to give Hope. I believe God has led me every step of the way. He walks before me, beside me, He carries me, He continues to surround me with amazing family and friends (aka framily). The best part is — He has never left me. I never walk alone. My husband doesn’t walk alone, nor do my children. 

I thank you all for being on this journey with me. Remember that Jesus loves you too!

Merry Christmas!

