Happy 9th Survivorversary to me!!
I am overjoyed to still be here living this good life!
First I’d like to update you on my family.
Jim - he’s doing great! He loves living back home, he likes to piddle around here at Ring the Bell Ranch (the outskirts of heaven). Chopping trees down, clearing brush, mowing, and doing whatever he can with our tractor. Jim’s been playing lots of music, he’s even got a little recording studio now. I love that he’s a “Jim of all trades”, and not afraid to try anything.
Jakob - he’s also doing great! He’s a senior at university now. He’s a good kid. Jakob comes home whenever he can, he has a part-time job here on the weekends he’s home. He loves his dog, a black lab named LiĆ¹, they live in a little cabin in the woods.
Kelli - she’s great as well! She’s in her sophomore year at university. She’s also a good kid. Kelli is very social. She loves to shop, so she has a job waitressing while going to school. Kelli lives with 2 of her best friends in a house, and her orange tabby kitten.
Joey - great also! He’s a senior in high school! Joey’s a good kid as well! He’s become very social this last year of high school. Joey’s been going to the football, volleyball and basketball games this year. He works at a local BBQ restaurant.
It’s hard to believe the kids are now 21 (almost 22), 20 and 18. On the day of my diagnosis they were only 12, 11 and 9, that was a tough day for all of us.
As the years have gone by — I continue to tell my story. I have told my story to complete strangers. Most recently to a young man sitting next to me on a flight to Houston. I told him not to feel sorry for me before I shared my journey — I don’t even know why I told him, probably because I know there is so much good in my story. I want others to have the Hope that I have.
I still feel as though it is not only my story but God’s story. Throughout the cancer journey He never left me. In fact He carried me, just as He still does today.
My mom was a year older than I am now when she was diagnosed with breast cancer — her diagnosis was 28 years ago this month. I was 10 years younger than she was when I was diagnosed. Unfortunately Mama only got 4 Survivorversaries.
I am emotional about my age this year, not because of how old I am or because I am getting older, I am very happy about that. It’s that I am only a year younger than Mama was when she was diagnosed. I’m not worried, just emotional. It’s hard to explain.
Okay — enough sad tears, time to get back to joy-filled tears.

I also enjoy my time off. I love getting to spend time with my “gals” — lifelong friends, while I make some new ones along the way. This is the time of year that I work on my crocheting or knitting projects. I absolutely love when family comes into town — such a blessing!! Our precious 3 dogs (sometimes 4) keep us busy too. Life is Good!!
Health wise - I am healthy!! I feel wonderful and all is well. I still go to MD Anderson twice a year for check ups.
So on this 9th Survivorversary I would like to thank you for being part of my Army of Prayer Warriors, the people who also helped me through this journey — “God knew what He was doing” when He put you all in my life. THANK YOU!
Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!
With Love,
(and yes, I love the word great!)
(and yes, I love the word great!)