Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year...

Happy New Year to y'all!!!

We had a great Christmas break!  It was very quiet and we enjoyed every moment of it.  This week has also been very special as my Uncle from Canada and Aunt and Uncle from California came to visit us for a couple of days - we had such a wonderful time together!!

2011 has started off much differently than 2010 did.  But don't all new years start off differently?  I'm thankful for 2010 - I was cured of breast cancer.  The journey began at the end of 2009 and will continue on for the rest of my life.  I have been blessed to have the Lord carrying me through it all.

Jim and I just finished the 2011 Texas Half Marathon
New Year's Eve was a very early one for us.  We had to get to bed because I had Jim and I signed up for a Half Marathon on New Year's Day.  January 1, 2011 Jim and I completed our first half marathon together - he beat me by a second, but like a good wife I was following my husband's lead(haha!).  Jim would rather I not disclose our official time but I'd like to - so here it goes 3:21:57 and 3:21:58.  It was really important to me to start the new year off like this.  We walked but we did it!  Jim probably could have run it in half the time but chose to stay by my side.  Thanks Jimmy!!!

Kelli and her cast
Later on that day our sweet children (who didn't take our advice) went jumping on a friend's trampoline.  It was dark and there were several kiddos on the trampoline playing nicely and then our sweet little girl started crying because she hurt her ankle.  It was swollen like a balloon.  We iced it immediately.  Wrapped an Ace bandage around it and had her use crutches.  Kelli's ankle eventually started bruising - we were pretty convinced it was a severe sprain.  I ended up taking her to the orthopedist yesterday and as it turns out she has a crack in her growth plate.  Just a small one.  The Dr. told me not to freak out, that it is quite common and she'll heal fine.  Kelli gets to wear a removable walking cast for 4-6 weeks and will stay on the crutches until she can comfortably go without them.  She said, "no more trampolines".

A few days before 2010 ended I noticed some soreness in my left hand and a little bit of swelling.  I've been continuing to do my Manual Lymph Drainage along with the wrapping of my arm and wearing my compression sleeve when needed.  The pain is still there and has travelled up my arm some.  But I'm only noticing slight swelling in the top of my hand and in my fingers. I've been talking to the nurse at my Oncologist's office and they are thinking that it may be Lymphedema.  I will be starting physical therapy with the Lymphedema Therapist next Wednesday.

I'm a little frustrated over the possibility of having Lymphedema but I have to keep reminding myself that it is NOT CANCER.

This new year is truly a blessing.  We are able to laugh and enjoy the life we have been given.  I do have several friends and family that are going through some tough things at this time.  Whether it be an illness, loneliness, financial struggles, etc.  Please remember that praying and leaning on God helps us get through those tougher times.

Speaking of prayer, would you please pray for Kelli's growth plate to heal properly and please pray that this Lymphedema leave my body.

Our blessings!
I will pray that this year will bring you health and Joy!!!

God Bless you!!!

Love and Blessings from the top of my heart,
